Isa Morabia

San Diego State University, Paly Class of 2022

RTE has been a really big help especially from my mentor who has helped me navigate through this whole process which has definitely been a lot to handle. Everything is so new and it can be stressful at times but the RTE scholarship has helped me and my family. I am excited to be a part of the RTE community for the next 4 years. 

What is your major/what are you interested in studying?

I plan on majoring in elementary education as I hope to major in teaching children ranging from Pre-K to 5th grade in the future. 

What is one of your favorite subjects/classes this term? Why?

I’m currently taking a child/adolescent development class and it is a really interesting class especially since I am planning on a teaching career. Another reason I really enjoy the class is my teacher who has been great especially about introducing us to hands-on experience at local pre-achools. 

What has been the best part about going to college?

Meeting new people! Even though I haven’t been at college for very long so far, it has been really nice meeting people with the same interests who come from across the world. I also really enjoy my roommates who feel like people who I can just turn to as a home base. 

Has RTE made a difference in your decision to pursue a college degree? If so, how?

I definitely always wanted to go to college, however, RTE has made me more confident and secure, financially and emotionally, especially having a mentor who has been guiding me through the whole college process and this new chapter of my life. The scholarship also has really been helpful because I am a lot more secure financially.

Did any adults help/support you in the process of getting to college? How?

My parents have been my biggest supporters for wherever I wanted to go or whatever I wanted to do. My older brother has also helped me as he also went through the same process 3 years prior and explains to me the process if I don’t understand something. John Fitton, my mentor from RTE,  has been a huge part of the college process as he has always been available for meetings & emails if I’ve had any questions.

Did RTE make a difference in helping you decide your post-Paly plans? How?

I did not know about RTE until after I got in SDSU . However, learning about RTE and being a part of RTE has helped me feel a lot better about going to college and more confident. 

Do you have an idea of what you want to do after college?

I hope to travel before working and after that I hope to work in another country and teach children!