Paly Students

Are You Interested in Applying to Be A Part of Our Unique Program?

What we expect from you

  • Be a current​Palo Alto High School Senior

  • Qualify for free or reduced lunch and/or Pell Grant similar need-based programs

  • Accepted to 2-year or 4-year college

  • Complete college within 5 years of Paly graduation

What you should expect from us in 2024-2025

  • ​Up to $3,500* for a 4-year college (max 4 years)

  • Up to $750* for a 2-year college (max 3 years)

  • One-on-one mentorship until you complete college 

  • A supportive community and networking

* Amounts are contingent on fundraising

Paly Class of 2025

1. To be considered for our program, apply through the Paly Community Scholarship Application (see Naviance's folder for scholarships).

2. ​If accepted through the application above, you must fill out our intake form, submit your FAFSA Submission Summary and sign a contract.

Deadline is January of each year. If you are unsure of your plans for community college, fill out the application anyway!

​Questions? Please email

Did you know that many colleges and universities do not required a SAT or ACT test? Check them out here!