Events for RTE Scholars
Networking and Career Panel
Please join the Zoom event at 6:55 pm
Road to Law: RTE's Guide to Getting into Law School
This Zoom panel with 3 recent law school applicants or graduates will help clarify what you need to do to get to law school! Moderated by Nan Kim, J.D. who practices corporate law and is the current RTE Treasurer.
May 22, 2024 at 7-8 pm PST
RSVP to get your Zoom link!
Among Us Game Night!
Log in and play with other RTE students and alumni. Let's build a stronger community together!
April 2 at 7 pm. Join us via Zoom
Meeting ID: 810 4162 2211
Passcode: 790282
Rise & Thrive College Success Zoom Panel
January 23, 2024 from 6 pm - 7:30 pm
Dami Bolarinwa (Paly Class of 2016) is inviting you to learn from the experience of FIVE recent RTE college grads on 1/23 at 6 pm on Zoom. They will share their insights and tips to make college life easier and help you build a supportive community!
Panelists include: Sammy Vasquez (SFSU), Pamela Rivera (UCR), Zharit Brand Robles (U of Redlands) and Andres Jimenez (SDSU) and Jennyfer Avila-Zavala (Nursing, USF). Moderated by Dami Bolarinwa.
RSVP here: Join us and you could get a $50 gift card!
College Money Matters
February 13, 2023 from 5:00 - 6:00 pm
How to make your college money work best for you! This informative, interactive discussion will increase student’s awareness and opportunities re their college finances. It cover scholarships, grants, loans, work study, work, paid internships, credit cards, productive debt vs unproductive debt, budgeting and managing their money to minimize student loan debt and create positive school/work/life balance.
Presented by our RTE Mentor John Fitton. John has 20 years experience working with student support services (counseling services, housing and residential life, disability services, financial aid, admissions, registrars and faculty senate) and leadership on four campuses; UCLA, Santa Clara University, San Diego State University and Southern Oregon University.
RSVP here. Zoom link will be sent out in advance.
Wellness Essentials: Resources for your college well-being
January 11, 2023 from 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Our next Rise Together Education event will be held on January 11th and it will have tons of valuable information! This virtual workshop will help you create a clear support system, based on your individual needs. We will cover the importance of connecting with Student Support Services on campus, including Disability Services, Counseling Services, Tutoring Services, etc. Are you maximizing your campus resources to support your essential needs and create the most expansive college experience? This event will be led by three of our amazing RTE mentors: John Fitton, Kimberly Schwan, and Grainger Marburg.
John Fitton has 20 years experience working with student support services (counseling services, housing and residential life, disability services, financial aid, admissions, registrars and faculty senate) and leadership on four campuses; UCLA, Santa Clara University, San Diego State University and Southern Oregon University.
Kimberly Schwan recently worked as a volunteer at the College and Career Center and is a current director and mentorship chair with RTE. Kimberly has two daughters who graduated from Paly in 2019 and 2021. She has worked with her own children as well as other students in navigating the path for utilizing disability services and other resources on campus.
Grainger Marburg began his career as a high school English teacher (including an assignment in the Peace Corps) and has since directed a number of education-based organizations, two of which supported low-income students. His most recent leadership role was with a national foundation focused on mental health and well-being. Grainger is currently on the board of Bring Change to Mind, whose mission is to strengthen youth mental health and eradicate the stigma of mental illness.
Building Strong Study Habits
November 10, 2022 from 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Join us for this one hour workshop on Thursday, Nov. 10, 5-6 pm (PST) to hear about how you can strengthen your study habits – and actually make learning easier! Nicole Ofiesh, PhD, Director of The Schwab Learning Center at CHC, will share strategies and tools for time management vs. procrastination, managing study and sleep, self advocacy and more. This is one you won’t want to miss!
Dr. Ofiesh is currently the Director of The Schwab Learning Center at CHC. She is a cognitive behavioral scientist with expertise in the intersection of learning and adulthood. With a focus on “the missing middle”, the time between high school and retirement, she believes an understanding of how cognition and the brain is associated with learning and performance is critical to preparing people for the needs of the 21st and 22nd centuries.
Building Your Resume
October 13, 2022 from 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Join us for a 1 hour workshop on Oct 13th at 5:00PM PST in which career coach and former corporate recruiter, Tricia Dolkas will lead RTE members through the basics of creating an effective resume. She will walk you through the process of creating a resume that will stand out to recruiters and help to ensure a successful job search. You are encouraged to send your resume to in advance of the meeting. Tricia will be able to offer specific recommendations for your resume to increase response from recruiters.
Tricia Dolkas is the head of Kickstart Career, providing career coaching for students for a successful transition from college to career.