Helen Herrera-Montano

San Jose State University, Class of 2022; Paly Class of 2017

Helen is graduating with a B.A. in Design Studies.
What is one of your favorite subjects/classes during college? Why? 
My top two favorite classes I have taken during college were Art History and Astronomy. I love to learn the history of art and the culture behind it and how it has evolved in today’s society. For astronomy, I have always had an interest in learning more about our solar system and how planets were formed.

What has been the best part about going to college?
The best part about going to college is that I have met more classmates who studied the same major. They helped me a lot when we critique our design projects because that helped me as a designer to grow and improve my skills..
What is the one thing that you learned during college that you wish you could tell your 18 years old self?
College is a place where you have to get out of your comfort zone such as going to social events, joining a club, or even a program to help you better succeed in my studies. I’ve joined a school program called ASPIRE, that helped me guide through my years at San Jose University but I would have told my younger self to join more clubs and to meet more people. 
Has RTE made a difference in your decision to pursue a college degree in terms of support/advice/finances? If so, how? 
RTE helped me with my tuition which also helped me to be more motivated with my studies at San Jose State University. Before starting college they helped me with the basics and how to stay organized with homework and resources to apply for scholarships. I was able to experience college which I’m grateful because my parents did not have the same opportunity. Having the college experience improved my social and networking skills. Meeting different people helped me understand different perspectives, stories, goals, that people live by or want to accomplish. As a designer, the college experience helped me learn to better communicate my designs to my audience and to inspire others with the stories being told through design. 
Did any adults help/support you in the process of getting TO and THROUGH college? How?
RTE reminded me to keep track of classes and send my progress each semester. I applied to ASPIRE program in college so they helped me decide which classes to take based on my major, scholarship resources. Their social events help me meet other ASPIRE students.

Did RTE make a difference in helping you decide your post-Paly plans? How?
I was set on to continue my education but RTE helped me push forward and helped motivate me.