Bryon Escarsega-Calderon
Foothill College, Paly Class of 2020
Bryon is a graduate of Paly Class of 2020 - first Covid year graduating class. He is attending Foothill College as of Fall 2021 and is playing on the football team.
1. What have you been studying at Foothill College?
I have been taking classes for general education as well as for my major which is business.
2. How did you get interested in business?
In a way because of fitness, watching YouTube fitness videos and lifting weights. I see a lot of people interested in fitness and related activities. I have a little dream of creating my own fitness business or something along that line. But they are just dreams right now. I haven't really tried anything yet.
3. What classes or subjects have you most enjoyed so far in college?
Due to the Covid pandemic, my only class that was in-person so far was my English class. I was glad to be back in a classroom because being on Zoom allowed me to be easily distracted.
4. What do you think the best part of attending college has been?
The best part has been the English class because I was able to communicate with people face-to-face and also just being able to play football.
5. Did Rise Together make a difference in your decision in your post-Paly plans?
Yes, RTE made a difference in my decision because I had initially decided to go to College of San Mateo to study fire science and also not to just go to college to play football because college is expensive. But then RTE and the Promise Program helped me with scholarship money and provided advice to me about going to community college for free. The best part is that I am able to study subjects that I really want to learn more about.
6. Did any adults help or support you in the process of getting to college?
My mom was always on top of me to do better. I always needed my mom to help me organize my school work and email my Paly teachers to help get me back on track. Not that my teachers were comfortable emailing my mom all the time, but they knew that my mom was on top of me. So they say things like, “If you don't get your stuff together, I'm emailing your mom…” Now in college, I have learned to better organize my time and to advocate for myself. I have improved my grades tremendously and last semester I was on the Dean’s List.
7. Do you have an idea of what you want to do after Foothill College?
I am not certain yet. I don't know if I'm going to stay another year at Foothill College to finish more general education classes and play football for another year because I do have one more year of eligibility at a community college. However, I am trying my best to stay engaged in the school work and continue to learn. I believe that I can finish my AA degree within two years and I would like to be able to transfer to Fresno State.